Instructions for Authors
VEGETOS: An International Journal of Plant Research and Biotechnology brings articles in all areas related to Plant Research on Quarterly basis. VEGETOS welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately 30 days after acceptance.
Submit manuscripts as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at and for any other information, write to us at
Submission of an Article:
In order to reduce delays, authors should adhere to the level, length and format of the Vegetos at every stage of processing right from manuscript submission to each revision stage. Submitted articles should have a maximum 250 words summary/abstract and 5-6 Keywords other than the main text. The summary should contain major findings briefly.
Formats for Vegetos contributions:
Vegetos accepts various formats of literary works such as research articles, reviews, abstracts, announcements, book reviews letters to the editor, conference proceedings, conference information etc.
Open Access:
Vegetos is under Open Access for Life Members/Annual Members and Visitors to provide greater visibility to the scientific community. It provides greater visibility, enhanced citation and high impact of the published article. It also promotes the academic repositories to retain the journal and its contents rapidly for viewing by the scientific community.
Article Processing Charges (w.e.f. 1st April, 2018 onwards):
Publishing in VEGETOS under Open Access mode involves a processing fee as under:
(i) Indian Articles have to pay INR 3500.00 Up to 5 Pages. Extra Page Charges(Per Pages): INR 500.00
(ii) Authors from the countries other than India will pay US$ 300.00 Up to 5 Pages. Extra Page Charges(Per Pages): US$ 20.
(iii) Institutional Membership / Subscription Fee will be as follows:
(a) Indian Institutions (annual): INR 6000.00
(b) Foreign Institutions (annual) US$: 500.00.
Copy Rights Agreement:
Copyright transfer agreement will have to be submitted by the authors prior to publication of their article.
Publisher reserves the copyright of each article and the authors or outside publisher/author will seek permission from Society for Plant Research (the Publisher) for any reproduction of the article or its part thereof.
Article Preparation Guidelines:
Authors are expected to attach an electronic covering letter mentioning the type of manuscript (Research article or Review articles).
Confirm that each individual named as an author meets the uniform requirements of the Journal VEGETOS criteria for authorship.
Please make sure that the article submitted for review/publication is not under consideration elsewhere simultaneously.
Clearly mention financial support for the work reported in the manuscript and a No conflict of interest declaration.
A clear title of the article along with complete details of the author/s (professional/institutional affiliation, educational qualifications and contact information) must be provided in the tile page.
Corresponding author should include address and e-mail address in the first page of the manuscript.
Number all sheets in succession, including references, tables, and figure legends.
Recommend any 3 referee name with their email, mobile, designation.
Guidelines for Research Articles:
Research articles are articles written based on the data collected using a clearly defined research methodology.
The information must be based on original research that adds to the body of knowledge in VEGETOS: An International Journal of Plant Research and Biotechnology
Include an abstract of maximum 250 words with 5-6 important keywords.
The abstract should be divided into Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion and Conclusion.
Research articles must adhere to a format of the latest issue of VEGETOS which can be seen on the website
Review Articles:
Plant Images:
Acknowledgement: Acknowledgments to the people / funding agencies etc. Should be clearly mentioned.
References: Only published manuscripts should be included in the reference list. References should be mentioned with author??s name and year in the text (Turner 1989; Hancock et al. 2012) and with full details under the section REFERENCES.
Please use the following style for the reference list:
Published Papers:
Turner W (1989). The freshwater algae of East India. K. Sv Vetensk Acad Handl 25: 1-187.
Hancock RE, Nijnik A and Philpott DJ (2012). Modulating immunity as a therapy for bacterial infections. Nat Rev Microbiol 10:243-254.
Doroshenko V, Airich L, Vitushkina M, Kolokolova A and Livshits V (2007) YddG from Escherichia coli promotes export of aromatic amino acids. FEMS Microbiol Lett 275: 312-318.
Unni KS (1996). Ecology of river Narmada. APH Publ. Co. New Delhi. Pp. 371.
Mathew PM (1969) Limnological investigation on the plankton of Govindgarh lake and its correlation with physicochemical factors, Proc. Seminar on the Ecol. and Fisheries fresh water Reservoir ICAR New Delhi Sharma P. D. (2010) : Ecol Environ Pp 509.
Proofs and Reprints:
Electronic proofs will be sent through e-mail attachment to the corresponding author. Page proofs are considered to be the final version of the manuscript. With the exception of typographical or minor clerical errors, no change should be made in the manuscript at the proof stage. Authors will have free electronic access to the full text PDF of the article.