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Year : 2014, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 9) Last page : ( 16)
Print ISSN : 2350-0786. Online ISSN : 2394-8159.

A Study of Temporal Changes in Land Use and Cropping Pattern in Jammu district of J&K State

Dwivedi Sudhakar*, Sharma Pawan Kumar, Singh Harminder

Division of Agricultural Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Agriculture, S. K. University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu (J&K)-180009, India

*Corresponding author: Sudhakar Dwivedi, dwivedi.sudhakar@gmail.com

Online published on 16 February, 2015.


The pattern of land use of a country, state and district at any particular time is determined by physical, economic and institutional framework taken together. Jammu district of the state which is significantly important in respect of agriculture production has again great variations in the factors influencing agricultural productivity and thus has been selected for the study. Jammu district is selected for extensive study both in time and space to understand the changes in the land use patterns. The district is agriculturally most efficient district of the region as such required investigation into different aspects of agriculture and land use planning. In this present study attempt has been made to evolve some aspects of changes in land use as well as cropping pattern in agriculture of Jammu district based on temporal analysis for the period of 1989–90 to 2005–06. The need of the present study arose mainly to search for the various factors responsible for bringing change in the agriculture of the district. Over the years major changes have occurred in the pattern of land use, cropping pattern, allocation of gross irrigated area etc. The study has been based on secondary sources of information. The secondary data on land utilization, number of land holdings, cropping pattern and production has been collected from the different issues of digest of statistics of Jammu and Kashmir government and village imminent directories of different development blocks of the district. In the study all development blocks has been taken as unit. The information about land use, land holding, cropping pattern and production of two different phases of a study years has been obtained by extensive investigation and processing of concerned data over the period 1989–90 and 2005–06. The analysis has been presented in tabular form and the study is mainly descriptive in nature. The comparison has been made over the time to examine the trends in land use pattern of area, production and productivity of major crops grown in all 11 developmental blocks of Jammu district in percentage.



Land use, land holding, cropping pattern, temporal changes, cropping intensity.


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