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Year 2023, Volume-10, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN : 2350-0786
Online ISSN : 2394-8159

Table of contents RSS Feed

An economic analysis of cultivation of direct seeded rice vs. transplanted rice in irrigated sub- tropics of Jammu region of J&K (U.T.): Constraints and way forward
Akshay Deep, Anil Bhat, Jyoti Kachroo, B.C. Sharma, Manish, K. Sharma, Sudhakar Dwivedi, R. Puniya, S.P. Singh, Diksha Bali, Rohit Kumar, Sumit Sutradhar

An identification of marketing channels and estimation of marketing efficiency of cluster bean in gird region of Madhya Pradesh
Surendra Rundla, S.C. Shrivastava, Megha Sahu, A.M. Jaulkar

Marketing and constraints faced by brinjal growers in Maharashtra in the wake of covid-19 pandemic
Snehal Athawale, Sunita Suryawanshi

Determinants of prices of minor forest produce (MFP) in high altitude and Tribal (HAT) zone of Andhra Pradesh
Ch. Satish Kumar, K. Nirmal Ravi Kumar, K. Solmon Raju Paul, P.V. Sathya Gopal, V. Srinivasa Rao

Economic analysis of fennel cultivation in Nagaur district of Rajasthan
Praveen Choudhary, Sheela Kharkwal

Production and consumption of edible oils in India
Lekha Kalra, S.K. Srivastava

The growth rate of minimum support price of wheat and population in comparison to area, production and yield of wheat in India
Inder Pal Singh

Supply chain analysis of oil palm in Andhra Pradesh
Akkineni Poojitha, Aditi Mathur, Anubhav Beniwal

Enhancing farmers’ income through vegetable farming in Raichur district of Karnataka: An economic analysis
Amrutha T. Joshi, Satishkumar, M, Manjunath Dodamani, Sidramayya

An economic analysis of market power and marketing channel of Papaya in Jaipur city of Rajasthan
Suman Chaudhary, S.S. Jheebba, Om Prakash, Ramesh Kantwa, Vikash Pawariya

Impact of National Horticulture Mission on Banana cultivation of south Gujarat
Dhruti Patel, Alpesh Leua

Constraints faced by the farmers in blackgram production and marketing in Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh
Nimit Kumar, Gunadhar Dey, Brijpal Singh Rajawat, Sudhakar Dwivedi, Sanjay Prakash Singh, Anil Bhat, Akshay Deep Singh

Seaweeds as natural resource for agar - Agar extraction in India- A review
Sudhir Kumar Yadav, Aron Santhosh Kumar Yohannan, Mookkan Palanisamy


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