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Year : 2024, Volume : 13, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 11)
Print ISSN : 2320-1193. Online ISSN : 2394-448X. Published online : 2024 June 19.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2394-448X.2024.00001.5

Sorghum Nutrient Management for Maximum Forage and Milk Production- A Review

Bhatt Rajan*, Dhillon Kanwarpal Singh, Kaur Raminder, Astha, Singh Bikramjit

*PAUKrishi Vigyan Kendra, Amritsar-143601, Punjab, India

*Corresponding Author : rajansoils@pau.edu

Online Published on 19 July, 2024.

Received:  23  March,  2024; Accepted:  19  April,  2024.


Fodder crop cultivation has been nearly constant over the past three decades (8.3 million ha), but permanent pasture cultivation has decreased. However, permanent pastures saw their yield lowered due to unchecked overgrazing. Soil bio-physico-chemical characteristics are also altered by overgrazing. The situation is made worse by the expanding human population and its insatiable appetite for agricultural production. Increasing livestock output in India has long struggled due to a lack of suitable pasture. The requirement for both green and dry feed is steadily rising in tandem with the country’s increasing cattle population. But integrated crop management techniques can effectively reduce the feed-forage supply gap by placing a stronger emphasis on nitrogen management in forage crops. After nitrogen is applied, there is an increase in crude protein, digestible dry matter, and metabolic energy. A plant’s stature, stem diameter, Leaf Area Index (LAI), and the quantity of tillers emerging from its root system were all positively impacted by an increase in phosphorus treatment. Applying micronutrients, which enhance enzyme activities, to feed sorghum increases growth and production. It is critical to assess the appropriate and adequate application of micronutrients, nitrogen, and phosphate for India’s crucial feed sorghum crop. In light of the foregoing, this literature review delves into the nitrogen, phosphorus, and micronutrients contained in this crop, specifically examining their role in increasing biomass production and enhancing feed quality.



Sorghum, Nitrogen, Crude fiber, Micronutrients, Macronutrients, Fodder growth.


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