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Year : 2024, Volume : 13, Issue : 1
First page : ( 34) Last page : ( 40)
Print ISSN : 2320-1193. Online ISSN : 2394-448X. Published online : 2024 June 19.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2394-448X.2024.00005.0

Agronomic Performance of Elite Early Sugarcane Genotypes for Yield and Quality Traits in North Central Zone

Kumar Satendra*, Singh S.C., Shukla S.K.

UPCSR-Genda Singh Sugarcane Breeding and Research Institute, Seorahi, Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding Author : satendrayadav.agro@gmail.com

Online Published on 19 July, 2024.

Received:  10  January,  2024; Accepted:  28  February,  2024.


Early genotypes of sugarcane are mature quickly, which means they are ready for harvest sooner than general varieties. This can be advantageous as it allows for a quicker turn around time between planting and harvesting, enabling farmers to plant multiple crops in a year. Sugarcane is a C4 plant, the performance of the crop depends on the planting methods, balanced use of fertilizer, and types of genotypes. The most important factor is the ability of genotypes to efficiently utilize the applied nutrients, especially NPK. A field experiment was conducted during 2022-23 at the research farm of Genda Singh Sugarcane Breeding and Research Institute, Seorahi, Uttar Pradesh. The experiment consisted of seven elite genotypes and three check varieties for comparison, seven genotypes i.e. CoSe 16454, CoP 17436, CoP 17437, CoP 17438, CoP 17440, CoP 17441, CoSe 17451 with three zonal checks varieties i.e. CoLk 94184, CoSe 95422 and CoSe 01421, second factor two fertility levels i.e. F -100 per cent 1 recommended dose of NPK, F -125 percent 2 recommended dose of NPK were tested in factorial randomized block design with three replications with an objective to assess the performance of promising sugarcane genotypes of the advanced varietal trial (AVT). The recommended dose of N: P: K was 180: 80:60 kilogram per hectare and applied as per treatment requirement. The experimental field was medium in organic carbon (0.68 per cent), low in available phosphorus (13.47 kg/ha) and low in potash (70.38 kg/ha) with a pH of 8.15. Sugarcane crop was planted on 08 March 2022 in spring planting season and harvested on 18 February 2023. In the early group, all test genotypes produced significantly higher shoot population, NMC, and cane yield as compared to check varieties. Germination percent was not affected significantly by different tested genotypes. Shoot population was observed significantly higher in genotype CoP 17438 (154.5 thousand per ha) over only checks i.e. CoSe 01421. Genotype CoP 17438 produced significantly higher NMC (127.9 thousand per ha) as compared to standard check CoP 94184, but CoSe 01421 zonal check noted significantly lower NMC over genotypes i.e. CoP 17436, CoP 17438, and CoP 17441, and other remaining genotypes produced NMC at par with check CoSe 01421. Cane yield was obtained significantly higher in the CoSe 16455 genotype (90.75 t/ha) against all early zonal checks except CoSe 95422. Significantly higher cane yield in CoSe 16454, CoP 17436, CoP 17440 and CoSe 17451 were found as compared to check CoSe 01421. Sucrose per cent was not affected significantly by different genotypes. 125 percent RDF application treatment gave significantly higher shoot population (143.7 thousand per ha), NMC (120.4 thousand per ha), and cane yield (85.62 t/ha) against 100 per cent recommended dose of fertilizer application.



Elite, Performance, Sugarcane, Fertility level.


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