Thupi-Khejur Chari: A Double-Seeded Variety of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Chand Sumanta Prasad1, Saha Bharat Chandra2,* 1Zonal Adaptive Research Station, Nalhati, Birbhum, West Bengal-731220 2The Neotia University, Diamond Harbour Road, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal-743368 *Corresponding Author :
Online Published on 19 July, 2024. Abstract The development of two or more than two spikelets in one pedicel) was noticed in a landrace of rice germplasm whose local name is Thupi Khejur Chari. The landrace is being maintained by us both in the laterite zone and in our university for the coastal and saline region of West Bengal. This situation of two or more than two spikelets in one pedicel is caused due to the formation of many florets in the same base/pedicel. Pure line selection in the land race could not result in any improvement in floret size and grain weight. Hence mutation breeding is suggested for making genetic improvement in the line and thereby increasing grain yield per plant. Top Keywords Landrace, Thupi Khejur Chari, Germplasm. Top |