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Year : 2020, Volume : 14, Issue : 2
First page : ( 14) Last page : ( 23)
Print ISSN : 0973-9629. Online ISSN : 0976-4674. Published online : 2020 December 30.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-4674.2020.00007.5

Information and Communication Technology Use in Education

Dr. Kumara S.K

Faculty of EducationUniversity of Mysore, Mysore


E-learning, distance education, digital textbooks, virtual laboratories and other new words and concepts are getting in focus of researchers and educators worldwide. As time goes by new terms and ideas will join them and pioneers will embrace and explore them further. However, real benefit will be apparent when they leave the laboratories and experimental programs and spread throughout academic and educational community as a common practice.For a broad acceptance and deployment of ICT in educational process necessary technical infrastructure, legal framework, financial support and psycho-social climate need to be recognized, defined and established. In order to do that educational policy and decision makers should have clear understanding of the benefits and costs of ICT. The leverage of ICT in education can be broadly separated in three areas: administrative, technical and other supportive functions for education; automation, assistance and support of learning and teaching and completely new teaching and learning methods, techniques and tools.This paper aims at identifying objectives, leaders, drivers and requirements of the ICT implementation in all three areas.



ICT in education, E-learning, Distance education, Objectives, Change process, Virtual labs, Remote labs, Teleconferencing.


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