Emotional intelligence among male and female graduate students: A cross sectional study Kumar N Suresh, Prof. Kumar Venkatesh G Department of Psychology, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India Abstract Emotional intelligence has been defined as the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotional so as to assist thoughts, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth. Considering the number of factors being impacted by emotional intelligence either positively and negatively, the present study aimed at examining the levels of emotional intelligence among and its determining socio-demographic variables. A total of 147 graduate students were recruited using convenient sampling. Emotional intelligence was assessed using Mangala Emotional Intelligence Inventory (MEII) and socio-demographic details were collected. Results revealed low emotional intelligence among female graduates (29%) compared to male graduates (26%). Among sociodemographic variables, only domicile was found to be associated with emotional intelligence. No significant difference was found among male and female on emotional intelligence overall score. Results indicated the need that students universities or colleges should be psycho-educated in becoming skilful at recognizing, evaluating and managing their own emotions throughout their education. This may in turn have positive impact post-education in professional life. Top | | | |
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