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Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Year 2021, Volume-11, Issue-3 (July-September)
Print ISSN : 2231-5683
Online ISSN : 2231-5691

Table of contents

Research Article

Analgesic activity and anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic extract of plant Sida cordata in carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats
Prajakta P Shinde, Shahu D Khule, Sneha Sonawane, Suvarna Shelke

Method of validation for residual solvents in bisoprolol fumarate by GC technique
Sandip A Telavane, Seema Kothari, Manohar V. Lokhande

Phytochemical and chromatographic studies of two ayurvedic source plants of Somalata, Cynanchum viminale and Ceropegia juncea
M Deepak, CT Sulaiman, M Athulya, Indira Balachandran

UV spectrophotometric method development and validation of carbimazole in bulk and tablet dosage form
Zainab A. Bagalkote, Dr. Ganesh Gajeli

Therapeutic effect of certain Indian medicinal compounds against the Corona Virus: An in-silico study
Sakshi Neelabh Nand

Medical device’s regulation in South-East Asian countries: Current status and gap areas
Vivekanandan Kalaiselvan, G. Aishwarya, Ashish Sharma

Review Article

Mouth dissolving tablet: A novel drug delivery system
Davesh S. Jire, Nitin S. Gosavi, Roshan B. Badhe, Dipak H. Jagdale

A brief review on genotoxic impurities in pharmaceuticals
Dr. Ashok B. Patel, Ashish H. Asnani, Dr. Amitkumar J. Vyas, Dr. Nilesh K. Patel, Dr. Ajay I. Patel, Dr. Arvind N. Lumbhani

A laconic review on liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based proteomics technology in drug discovery
Shivani Sharma, Navdeep Singh, Amar Deep Ankalgi, Arti Rana, Mahendra Singh Ashawat

Evaluation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
Ravi Kumar

A role of herbal drug as an immunity booster during covid-19 pandemic
Dhanashri Aware, Sachin Rohane

Immuno-boosters as health accelerants to tackle viral infections
Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Chinthaginjala Haranath, Ksheerasagare Tarun, Jyothi Vinay Krishna, Nichenametla Chandana, Boya Indrani


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