Comparative analysis of Climbazole in Pharmaceutical Formulation Vanitha J1,*, Kumar A Saravana2, Ganesh M2, Saravanan VS1 1Department of Analytical Chemistry, Erode College of Pharmacy, Erode-112 2Department of Pharmaceutical Bio-Technology, Nandha College of Pharmacy, Erode-52 *Corresponding Author E-mail:
Online published on 13 March, 2013. Abstract Climbazole is a member of the azole class of anti-mycotic, is often incorporated in several pharmaceutical forms and in shampoo formulation it is known to be effective against fungal infection on the scalp. This paper describes a method to quantify climbazole in shampoo formulation by cylinder plat assay method and the HPLC method. The test organism used for the agar diffusion assay was candida albicans ATCC10231. Three different concentrations of climbazole were used for the diffusion assay. A mean zone diameter was obtained for each concentration. A standar5d curve was obtained by plotting the three values derived from the zone diameter. A prospective validation of the method showed that the method was linear (r = 0.9766), precise (RSD = 2.45%) and accurate. The results obtained by the cylinder plate method was statistically evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the results obtained indicate that there is no significant different between these two methods. Top Keywords Climbazole shampoo, Microbiological assay, Cylinder-plate, Candida albicans. Top |