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Baba Farid University Nursing Journal
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 28) Last page : ( 32)
Print ISSN : 2277-9418. Online ISSN : 2278-0548.

Beneficial effects of kangaroo mothercare on the vital parameters (heart rate, respiratory rate & body temperature) and weight gain of low birth weight babies.

Kaur Parmees1,*, Rawat H.C.2, Sethi Gurmeet3

1Lecturer, Khalsha College of Nursing Amritsar

2Professor cum Vice-Principal, University College of Nursing, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot

3Professor & Head GGS Medical college & Hospital Faridkot Punjab

*Address for Correspondence: Parmees Kaur Lecturer, Khalsha College of Nursing Amritsar e-mail: parmeeskaur@yahoo.com Cell: 09530578081

Online published on 29 November, 2017.



LBW babies impose a heavy burden on healthcare in developing countries. KMC has been documented as safe, effective, alternative and comprehensive method for the care of LBW babies.


To assess the beneficial effects of KMC on the vital parameters (Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate and Body Temperature) and weight gain of the LBW babies.


It was quasi experimental study conducted in the Pediatric (NICU) and Post Natal wards (Obstetric Department) of GGSMC&H, Faridkot on 60 LBW Babies (30 in Control/Conventional care group and 30 in experimental/KMC group) selected through purposive sampling. Vital parameters and weight gain was recorded using Pediatric Stethoscope, Clinical Thermometer and Baby Weighing Scale-Pan Type.


Beneficial effects of KMC on the vital parameters and weight gain of the LBW Babies were found to be statistically significant. Heart rate rose by 9 beats/min, respiratory rate dropped by 6 breaths/min and Body Temperature rose by 1.186°F being in normal limits with effect of KMC in Experimental/KMC group. Moreover no episodes of hypothermia and bradycardia were noted in the experimental/KMC group. The average weight gain in case of experimental/KMC group was found to be 29 grams/day (approx.).


KMC is found to be effective in maintaining vital parameters within normal limits and more rapid weight gain of LBW babies and thus can be used for the routine care of LBW babies safely.



Kangaroo Mother Care, Low Birth Weight Babies, Vital Parameters (Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Body Temperature), Weight Gain.


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