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Baba Farid University Nursing Journal
Year 2011, Volume-1, Issue-1 (November)
Print ISSN : 2277-9418
Online ISSN : 2278-0548

Table of contents

Prof. Raj Rani

Prof.(Dr.) S.S. Gill

Research Articles

Knowledge and practice of healthcare workers regarding universal precautions at a tertiary care level teaching hospital in Punjab
Mandeep Kaur, H.C. Rawat, Prabhjot Kaur

A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on assessment of fetal well being among antenatal mothers in selected hospital
Suriya Bagum, Raman Kalia, P. Girijamba Devi, Sophia

“Analgesic effect of breastfeeding vs. skin to skin contact on pain related to heel prick in neonates”
Gurneet Kaur Bala, H.C. Rawat, Gurmeet Sethi

Behavioural aspect of primary healthcare providers: an empirical study of a district in Punjab
R.K. Sharma, Rani Raj, Bikar Singh, Raghav Khanna

“A study to assess the effectiveness ofice pack (gel pack) on arteriovenous fistula puncture-related pain in patients undergoing hemodialysis”
Taranpal Kaur, Hemant Kumar Saini, Preksha Maheshwari

A correlation study to find out knowledgeand practice on prevention and control of hepatitis b virus infection among nursing personnel and to find out the relationship with selected factors
Sher Singh Morodiya, Harinderjeet Goyal, Molly Babu

Beneficial effects of kangaroo mothercare on the vital parameters (heart rate, respiratory rate & body temperature) and weight gain of low birth weight babies.
Parmees Kaur, H.C. Rawat, Gurmeet Sethi


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