Histopathological toxicity of lancergold on Labeo rohita Waghmare Savita Yadavrao* P. G. and Research Department of Zoology, TVES's Dhanaji Nana Mahavidyalaya, Faizpur. Tal. Yawal, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra *Email- savitawaghmare16@gmail.com
Online published on 26 March, 2024. Abstract Attempts were made to investigate harmful effects of Lancer gold on fresh water fish Labeo rohita. Significant alterations in histopathological symptoms were observed after 96 hrs of treatment. The gills showed reduction in inter lamellar space of epithelial layer, degenerative changes in inter-lamellar cells and detachment of epithelial layer. Cytoplasmic vacuolation of hepatocytes, necrosis and disrupted hepatocytes were observed in liver. Kidney showed hydropic swelling of tubules and sinus appeared in connective tissues as well as degeneration of tubules were observed. The shape of testis was disintegrated, seminiferous tubules were altered, reduction in spermatogonic cell was noticed and the nuclei of the sertoli cells were pyknotic. Some mature oocytes showed destruction in the structure and atretic follicles were observed in ovary. Thus the insecticide, Lancer gold adversely affected vital organs like gill, liver, kidney and gonads of the fish. Top Keywords Lancer gold, Toxicity, Labeo rohita, Histopathology. Top | |
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