Pelliaites deccanii gen. et. sp.nov., a bryophytic sporogonium from the intertrappean beds of Mohgaonkalan, M. P., India Narkhede S.D., Bhowal M.* Department of Botany, Institute of Science, Nagpur. * Department of Botany, Hislop College, Nagpur. Abstract The present investigation deals with the anatomical study of petrified Bryophytic sporogonium from Mohgaokalan in M.P. The sporogonium is erect with a broad, squarish foot moderately long seta and a spherical capsule. The capsule shows a prominent parenchymatous calyptra and sporogenous mass with spores and elaters, involucre 3–4 layers thick surrounds it. The present specimen does not show any resemblance with reported fossil specimens but its affinities with the living genus Pellia are very prominent. The fossil specimen is thus named as Pelliaites deccanii, the generic name is after the genus Pellia while the specific name is after the horizon of the locality from where the specimen was collected. Top Key words Intertrappean, Sporogonium, Calyptra, Involucre, Pellia. Top | |
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