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Editorial Board for 2021 & 2022

Chief Editor

Dr. Siddhartha S. Mukhopadhyay
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141004
E-mail <cedclayres@gmail.com>, <siddharthasm1@gmail.com>
Cell # +91 98159 93318


Dr. P. Chandran
ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning. Nagpur 440025
E-mail <p.chandran1@icar.gov.in>

Dr. Somsubhra Chakraborty
Indian Institute of Technology – Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302
E-mail <somsubhra@agfe.iitkgp.ac.in>

Dr. Mrinmoy Datta
Indian Council of Agricultural Research - Tripura, Agartala
E-mail <mdatta2@rediffmail.com>

Dr. Tapas Mukhopadhyay
Central Glass & Ceramics Research Institute, CSIR, Kolkata
E-mail <2808tapas@gmail.com>

Dr. Swati Choudhury
Coromandel International Ltd., Hyderabad
E-mail <schaudhury9@gmail.com>

Dr. Pankaj Srivastava
Dept. of Geology, Delhi University, Delhi
E-mail <pankajps@gmail.com>

Dr. Swapna Mukherjee
(Formerly) Geological Survey of India, Kolkata
E-mail <mukherjeeswapna11@gmail.com>

Dr. Rean Maharaj
Process Engineering Programmes,
The University of Trinidad and Tobago
Email <rean.maharaj@utt.edu.tt>

International Consulting Editors

Dr. S.R. Krishnamurti Gummuluru
(Formerly) Adj. Asso. Professor, CERAR,
University of South Australia
Email <gsr237@gmail.com>

Dr. Sridhar Komarneni
Distinguished Professor of Clay Mineralogy,
205 Materials Research Laboratory University Park, PA 16802
E-mail <sxk7@psu.edu>, <komarneni@psu.edu>

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