Study on constraints of ATMA functionaries in Bihar Panda Chandan Kumar1,*, Dei Sailabala2, Priya Ruchi1, Paswan Anil1, Patel Deepak Kumar1, Mandal Pankaj Kumar1, Kumari Meera3 1Department of Extension Education, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India 2Deputy Director Research, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India 3Department of Agricultural Economics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India *Corresponding author: (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7745-3425)
Online Published on 19 January, 2024. Abstract Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) played a pivotal role in India’s agricultural sector by facilitating the integration of research, extension, and farmer activities. It aimed to decentralize the management of the public agricultural technology dissemination system, enhance linkages, and promote bottom-up decision-making processes for agricultural development. The research paper examines the role performance, role expectations and constraints of ATMA functionaries in Bihar. A total of sixty five respondents were selected randomly from sixteen districts of Bihar. The evaluation of ATMA functionaries’ performance and expectations revealed positive progress in their roles but identified areas for improvement. Prioritizing training programs, promoting gender inclusion, and strengthening personnel in animal science and fishery were recommended. Recognizing specialization, providing domain-specific training and upgrading technical knowledge were important. Addressing the gap between role expectations and performance, implementing a structured scale of pay and overcoming constraints such as staffing and financial issues were crucial. Enhancing extension and training programs, improving program planning and coordination, appointing specialized functionaries, promoting coordination, and improving communication and infrastructure were suggested measures to strengthen the ATMA system and to deliver effective extension services. These efforts would empower extension personnel to meet evolving agricultural needs, provide tailored solutions, and contribute to sustainable agricultural development. Highlights • The ATMA is a vital player in India’s agricultural sector. • The ATMA fosters the integration of research, extension services, and farmer activities. Top Keywords ATMA functionaries, Training programs, Gender inclusion, Career progression, Constraints. Top |