Aims & Scope
(A). Farming & Management is a partially openly accessible journal, which mean that abstracts of published papers are openly accessible all the time. The aim of this journal is to provide a platform for researchers and students all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of agronomy, crop and soil sciences.
(B). Subjects covered: All aspects of agricultural sciences including biological engineering, agronomy, horticulture, forestry, crop protection, plant breeding & genetics, plant protection, soil and water management, bio-technology, agricultural and bio-resource engineering, agricultural economics, nutrition and dietetics, animal sciences, cultural studies, social sciences including environmental pollution and allied agricultural research to preserve and conserve bio-diversity and natural resources.
(C). Submitted manuscripts must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere simultaneously during FM's review process period. Generally, final PDF copies of complete papers are uploaded on the website before the printed hard copies are released.
(D). Publication of Regular Issues: The FM is subscription based and regularly published online and print versions. The articles are published in partial open-access format, which means that the abstracts of all published articles are feely available for unlimited access. The PDFs of completely published articles are archived on the website for online purchase. It is published half-yearly and its’ regular two issues are published in the months of June and December.
(E). Publication of Special Issues: The FM welcomed the proposals for special issues on the topics that fall under the scope of the journal. Special Issues should be organized by experts in the field of interest and attract high quality articles. The interested researchers should submit a proposal to the journal's editorial office. The proposal should include Title, aims and scope, list of guest editors, including their names, affiliations and brief biography of each guest editor, submission deadline, first round of review and publication date.
All proposals for special issues should be forwarded to the journal's editorial office ( for approval by the Editorial Board members. Once proposal is accepted, a call-for-papers will be posted on the journal's website. To ensure the success of a Special Issue, a minimum of 15 manuscripts are required for publication.
Guest Editors are required to manage the peer-review process of the submitted manuscripts. Guest Editors will need to read and review manuscripts thoroughly for the selection and recommendation of suitable articles for publication in the Special Issue.
(F). Review Process (Peer Review) At Gaurav Publications double blind peer-review process has been followed. After the initial green signal by the editor, the papers are sent to the suitable reviewers. The reviewers then monitor the manuscripts and extra papers from the editor and determine whether they fulfill the standards of scientific guidelines or not.
Each reviewer will review and have his opinion on the manuscript. Reviewers will take a look at the study design, significance of the study, clarity of language, result presentation etc.
The reviewers will also recommend publication to the journal editor. Based on the feedback and recommendations, the editor will decide whether the paper will be accepted or not, or sent for revision. The editor will write a decision letter to the authors.
It is quite rare for a paper to be accepted as the original draft. In case the manuscripts don't fulfil the standards of scientific guidelines, the suggestions are made to the editor to take the required steps.
(G). Archiving: In case the journal is no longer published, the electronic backup of articles will be accessed via Pub Med Central.
(H). Bibliographic information: ISSN: 2455-4065 (Print), ISSN: 2456-8724 (Online) and DOI Prefix: 10.31830.
(I). Contact: Author services to the Managing Editor:; Editorial contact information to the Editorial Assistant:; Production related enquiries to the Production Editor (