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Farming and Management
Year 2023, Volume-8, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN: 2455-4065
Online ISSN: 2456-8724

Table of Contents

Agronomy & Soil Science

Unveiling the potential of maize-legume intercropping system for agricultural sustainability: A review
Upasana Sahoo, Sagar Maitra, Suman Dey, Kathula Karthika Vishnupriya, Masina Sairam and Lalichetti Sagar

Effect of tillage practices on durum wheat (Triticum durum) productivity under semi-arid climatic conditions
Labad Ryma, Mohammedi Zekari, Echcherki Smain, Beldi Yasmine, Bounedjar Abdelwahab, Chachoua Abdelfetah, Kebir Khadidja, Kerimi Hamid, Tayeb Hamani Ryma, Taibi Sabrina and Feddal Mohamed Amine

Study of peanut culture (Arachis hypogaea L.) for agricultural production in the Lower Volga region of Russia
E. P. Sukhareva and A. V. Belikina

Horticultural & Vegetable Crops

Morphological characterization of mango (Mangifera indica L.) germplasm based on Bioversity International Descriptor
G. Indian, G. Mathankumar, J. Ravivarman, N. Shabina and M. Divya

Factors influencing the adoption of improved tomato post-harvest loss management practices among farmers in north-west zone of Nigeria
O. K. Tobe, T. K. Atala, N. M. Saddiq and M. Damisa

Effect of organic farming on growth, yield and quality of solanaceous vegetables under dryland conditions of Jaipur district, Rajasthan
Priyanka Choudhary and Shamindra Saxena

Livestock Production

Profitability analysis of lamb fattening in small-scale farmers in West Bank, Palestine
Yahya Istaitih


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