Distribution of Health Care Facilities in Saiha District of Mizoram Dr. Beingachhi Bobby Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Pachhunga, University College, Aizawl Online published on 30 December, 2017. Abstract Health geography provides a spatial understanding of people's health, the distribution prevalence and occurrence of diseases of in an area and the environment‘s effect on health and diseases. This study is considered a sub-discipline of human geography; however, it requires an understanding of other fields like epidemiology and climatology. It is defined as a “multitude of services rendered to individuals, families or communities by the agents of the health services or professions, for the purpose of promoting, maintaining, monitoring or restoring health”. In many countries health care is completely or largely a governmental function. The main focus of health care is ‘serve’ or ‘service to others’. Therefore, it is so pathetic to left alone to health practitioner rather it would be concerned of social scientists in general and healthgeographers in particular. It is important to note that the availability of health care facility is extremely important for every person as the availability and location of heath care facilities is a basic prerequisite for treatment in case of emergency. The distribution of heath care facility especially in rural areas of Saiha District is far from satisfactory particularly in the southern and western part as indicated by the absence of basic health care facilities. The absence of health care facility in the remote and inaccessible areas bordering Myanmar continues to remain one of the greatest challenges faced by the rural inhabitants till today. Top Keywords Healthcare, Saiha District, Mizoram. Top | |
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