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Aims and Scope

Small Hydro Power (SHP) Programme is one of the thrust areas of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy for power generation from renewables. It has been recognized that small hydropower projects can play a critical role in improving the overall energy scenario of the country and in particular for remote and inaccessible areas. The Ministry is encouraging development of small hydro projects both in the public as well as private sector. Equal attention is being paid to grid-interactive and decentralized projects.

As a part of information service, IASH brings out half yearly Technical Journal "IASH Journal", in January and July. The aim of the journal is to encourage exchange of ideas and information between small hydro practitioners. The journal provides information to all concerned with Small Hydro development, about the techniques, new trends, experience gained by others to enable updating of their knowledge.

The original manuscripts that enhance the level of research and contribute new developments to the small hydro sector are encouraged. The work belonging to the fields of small hydro are invited.

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