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Editorial Board


Shri J.C. Sharma,


Chief Editor

Prof. (Dr.) Rachita Rana


Prof. (Dr. Sheela Bhargava)


Dr. Abhiruchi Singh

Mr. Brijesh Singh

Advisory Board

Prof (Dr) Madhu Vij,
    Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi

Prof (Dr) Sanjeev Mittal,
    Professor, University School of Management Studies, GGS Indraprastha University, Sector 16-C, Dwarka, New Delhi

Dr K D Gaur,
    Ex-Director, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi

Prof. BS Nagi,
    Professor, Ex-Director Research Council of Social Development, New Delhi

Prof. P D Kaushik,
    Professor Institute of Information Technology and Management, Janakpuri

Prof. (Dr.) Anupam Narula
    Area Chairman Marketing
    FORE School of Management, Adhitam Kendra, B-18 | Qutub Institutional Area | New Delhi-110016

Dr. Indu Uprety,
    Associate Professor and Dean, Student Welfare, School of Management, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida Gautam Budh Nagar, UP

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