Marketing and post harvest losses of cauliflower in Cuttack district of Odisha Tripathy Sudhakar, Prusty S.R., Mishra S. Dept. of Agril. Econ., OUAT, Bhubaneswar-751 003 Online published on 23 October, 2017. Abstract The present study was undertaken with a view to study the disposal pattern, marketed and marketable surplus, price spread, marketing efficiency and post harvest losses for cauliflower growers in Banki, Cuttack district of Odisha. A sample of 70 farmers from 3 villages was selected at random. In different marketing channels for computation of price spread, 20 traders, 10 wholesalers and 7 retailers were selected at random. Amongst 4 identified market channels, producer → wholesaler → retailer → consumer (channel-III) was the major marketing channel because of its adaption by majority of farm size groups. Marketing efficiency was measured by modified method (shephered formula). Marketed surplus directly related to production whereas marketing efficiency inversely related to number of intermediaries. Post harvest losses were highest at farm level i.e. 43.16% followed by wholesaler, retailer level and total post harvest loss was 20.68 kg/q. Major problems identified were lack of transportation and storage facilities, wholesale market, market information and regulated market. The study suggested increasing marketing efficiency through reduction of intermediaries and marketing problems of the farmers can be solved by improvement of infrastructure (i.e. transportation and storage) facilities in farm, market level and implementation of direct marketing such as krishak bazaar. Top | |
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