Benefits Perceived by Members and Factors Influencing Membership of Farmer Producer Organizations in Middle Gujarat Patel Hardi, Devi Ganga, Kumar Mohit, Karmur Alpa Department of Agriculture Economics, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand, Agricultural University, Anand-388 110 (Gujarat), India Online Published on 02 September, 2024. Abstract This study analyses benefits perceived by member farmers and factors influencing the membership in Farmer Producer Organizations in Middle Gujarat region. FPOs play a crucial role in providing improved access to better market, finance, technology, inputs etc. Through comprehensive data collection from 200 respondents equally from FPO members and non-members, the study reveals significant differences between the two groups. FPO members tend to be more educated, with smaller landholdings and better housing conditions, engaging in diverse economic activities. Perceived benefits experienced by FPO members include access to credit facilities, infrastructure support and essential inputs at lower prices. Regression analysis shows that age and education significantly influence farmers decision to join FPOs, along with factors like income levels, access to credit and resources, market access and post-harvest facilities. Larger farm size negatively correlates with FPO membership, highlighting the value of FPOs in addressing resource constraints and enhancing market access for small and marginal farmers. It underscores the importance of FPOs in empowering farmers, providing crucial resources, infrastructure and market linkages. This research sheds light on the essential role of FPOs in exposing many opportunities for member farmers. It advocates for targeted agricultural development and emphasizes the power of FPOs in empowering farmers and catalyzing their socio-economic progress. Top Keywords Farmer Producer Organization, Members, Non-members, Benefits, Logistic regression. Top |