The Price Influencing Factors in Cattle and Methods of Malpractices in Cattle Marketing in Tamilnadu Ponshunmugaraja T. Guest Faculty of Economics, Dr. Ambedkar Govt Arts College, Vysarpadi, Chennai-600039 Online Published on 02 September, 2024. Abstract Cattle trade in the state is not a regulated one, but it is organized by the state. The prices of animals are greatly depend upon the breeds of different types of animals. In the case of milch cows great demand for exotic breeds of animals and superior over inferior breeds whereas, in the case of bullocks great demand for indigenous breeds rather than exotic breeds, because, Indian breeds of bullocks work well in the fields. Generally, the prices in the markets are greatly influenced by the purity of breeds of animals rather than anything else. Top Keywords Number of lactation, Lactation yield, Stage of lactation, Inauspicious markings or whirls, Temperament pair set and season. Top | |
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