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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year 2024, Volume-38, Issue-2 (May-August)
Print ISSN: 0971-8664
Online ISSN: 2456-8716

Table of Contents

Constraints Faced by Organizations of Organic Farmers: Empirical Evidence from Kerala
Sabu P J and Deepa Roy

Benefits Perceived by Members and Factors Influencing Membership of Farmer Producer Organizations in Middle Gujarat
Hardi Patel, Ganga Devi, Mohit Kumar and Alpa Karmur

Resource Use and Marketing Efficiency of Kalanamak Rice Cultivation in Uttar Pradesh, India
P.K. Singh, Satyam Raj, Rakesh Singh, O.P Singh and Shiwam Singh

An Analysis of Price Behavior and Forecasting of Bajra (Pearl Millet) Prices in Alwar and Barmer Markets of Rajasthan State
Murulidhar M. Venkannanavara, Deekshith M, Ranjith P.C and Geeta Gadekar

Pigeon pea Cultivation in Maharashtra: Price Support and Viability Issues
Deepak Shah and Shailesh Bharati

Economics of Cold Storage Facilities in Assam: Issues of Availability and Requirement
Suranjan Patowary and Amiya Sarma

Marketing of Makhana: A Study with Special Reference to Malda District, West Bengal
Shubhadip Kushari and Goutam Bhowmik

Export of Fruits from India: Status and Challenges
Renjini V R

Investigating the Crop Diversification Practices and its Determinants: An Empirical Evidence from West Bengal
Prasid Gurung and Soumitra Sarkar

The Price Influencing Factors in Cattle and Methods of Malpractices in Cattle Marketing in Tamilnadu
T. Ponshunmugaraja

Marketing Efficiency of Pear in Amritsar District of Punjab
Komalpreet Kaur, Randeep Kaur, Parul Barwal and Lavleen Kaur

A Tribute to Prof. C. Ramasamy: 26-06-1947 to 04-07-2024
T. Satyanarayana

38th National Conference on Agricultural Marketing: Organised by Indian Society of Agricutural Marekting, PJTS Agricultural University Campus, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030 and Institute of Agri-Business Management, GKVK, UAS Bengaluru-560 065
Dr. T. Satyanarayana


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