Ontological Directory and Directory Load-Balancing for Large-Scale Grids Li Juan1,* 1Computer Science Department, North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA *J.Li@ndsu.edu
Abstract If not properly organized, searching an Internet-scale grid for quality resources is like looking for a needle in a haystack – we have too large a space to explore. In this paper, we propose an ontology directory to organize the huge chaotic grid space to multiple semantics-based sub-spaces. Participants of the grid can browse search resources through this directory. Sharing and collaborating can then be performed on related directory only. This results in an efficient and scalable grid-based integration and interoperability infrastructure. However, the ability to guarantee that the system will not be overwhelmed due to load imbalance becomes much more significant, especially when factors such as item popularity and skewing are taken into consideration. To address this problem, we propose an effective load balancing solution, which takes the peer heterogeneity and access popularity into account to determine the load distribution. Our algorithm achieves load balancing by dynamically balancing the query routing load and query answering load respectively. Experimentations illustrate that our balancing algorithms effectively balance the system load and significantly improves performance. Top Keywords Grid, Ontology, Semantic, Load-balance. Top | | | |
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