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Guidelines to Authors

  1. The International Journal of Cow Science will be published biannually. There will be two numbers of volumes per year, one in June and second in December. Contributions in the form of original research papers, review articles, short communications, general articles and letters to editor/ personal experiences on all aspects of Panchgavya (cow products) and disease health and management of cow are invited.
  2. All contributions except letters and personal experiences are refereed. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original, unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. With the submission of the article for publication the authors accept to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher, which will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. At least one of the authors must be the subscriber of the IJCS.
  3. The editor reserves the absolute right to reject papers on ethical grounds.
  4. The full-length research paper should not exceed 3000 words and short communication up to 1500 words reporting preliminary/early finding, which do not warrant a full length paper, will be considered. Short communication should follow similar format to papers but should not have named sections. Critical reviews on the topics of current relevance will be considered. Letter/ personal experiences should not exceed 300 words and the editor reserves the right to shorten a letter for publication. It must be signed by the author(s). No separate acknowledgment will be sent for letters.
  5. Manuscript should be submitted to Dr Lokesh Singhal, Managing Editor (International Journal of Cow Science), Centre for Animal Disease Research and Diagnosis (CADRAD), Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243122, Bareilly, U.P., India. Manuscript should be submitted in duplicate alongwith a softcopy on CD, prepared in MS word. Hard copies of the manuscript submitted without a soft copy on CD will not be entertained. Alternatively, the manuscript can be submitted electronically only at editor_ijcs@yahoo.com or cowscince@gmail.com.
  6. The article should be organized as under:
    1. Title should be clear, descriptive and concise.
    2. Names of authors followed by their affiliation
    3. Abstract should be written in complete sentences and should not have more than 250 words. It should contain a very brief account of the material and methods, results, discussion and conclusions, so that the reader need not refer to the article except for details. It should not have references to literature, illustration and tables.
    4. Keywords, not more than 8 should be given after the abstract.
    5. Introduction should be brief and limited to the statement of problem or the aim of the experiment. The review of literature should be pertinent to problem.
    6. Materials and methods should contain details of animals, experimental design and techniques. Where the method is well known, the citation of works is sufficient. Statistical methods used should be clearly stated with citation.
    7. Results and Discussion should preferably be combined to avoid repetition. Result(s) mean with relevant Standard error should be presented rather than detailed data. Results should be supported by brief table/graphic or pictorial representation and should carry appropriate title. The table should be given in metric units. The discussion should relate to the limitations or advantage of the author’s experiments in comparison with the works or other.
    8. Photographs should be large unmounted and in glossy print of good quality. They should be clear and relevant to the subject. The line drawing should be clearly drawn on separate paper. Line drawings and photographs should have legends supplied on separate sheet. The table and illustrations should not reproduce same data. For soft copies, photographs and line drawings should be scanned at not less than 600 dpi in jpg format.
    9. References should be cited in the text as Chauhan (1995), Chauhan and Singh (1992) or Chauhan et al (1994) for one, two or more than two authors, respectively with their surname only. List of references should be given in date order in the text but alphabetically in the reference list. Use the following system for arranging each reference.
      1. For journal articles:
        Chauhan RS, Singh BP and Singh GK. 2001. Immunomodulation with Kamdhenu ark in mice. Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology. 3: 74–77.
      2. For books:
        Chauhan RS. 1995. Serological Techniques. In: Textbook of Veterinary Clinical and Laboratory Diagnosis. JAY PEE Brothers medical publishers, New Delhi. pp. 213–225.
      3. For a paper published in proceeding or a multi author books:
        Chand P and Black DN. 1995. Molecular approaches for the diagnosis and control of capripox virus infectilrs. In: Animal Health and Production (Eds. RS Chauhan, PC Sharma, Rakesh Kumar, R Sharma and SK Mahipal) Proceeding of 2nd Annual Conference of IAAVR, Hisar. pp.17–24.
      4. For a thesis:
        Chauhan RS. 1991. Immunopathological studies of rotavirus infection in calves, Ph.D. thesis. GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, India.
  7. All articles will be sent to international panel of experts for peer review and scrutiny. The authors should meet criticism by improving the article.
  8. Proofs will be sent to authors for correction. Proof correction should be done by ink, preferably by using fine tip in the margins. Proofs are supplied for check up of the correctness of type setting and facts. Excessive corrections or addition of a new material should be avoided otherwise it will be charged. The proofs should be returned within 10 days.
  9. Since there are no page charges, it is mandatory to purchase at least 25 reprints/off print by the authors. The cost of reprints will be decided on the recommendation of editors/managing editor from time to time and will be communicated to the authors at the time of proof corrections.

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