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International Journal of Cow Science
Year : 2005, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 27) Last page : ( 32)
Print ISSN : 0973-2241.

Somatic cell count (scc) in relation to milk production, milk composition and subclinical mastitis: A review

Pandey P, Pandey V*, Singh J

Apollo College of Veterinary Medicine, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

*E-mail: dr_vijaypandey@indiatimes.com


The latest animal census reveals the fact that India has huge livestock population with 178 million cows and 93 million buffaloes. Its milk production crosses the 90 million tones per annum, but a cursory look on whole scenario clear the fact that milk production per animal is far low as compared to other countries like USA, Israel, etc. and moreover the export potential of Indian milk is very low due to poor milk quality. For taking the advantage of this many foreign companies comes with straight competition with cooperative and semi cooperative milk collection center. To view them at international level, it is an urgent necessity to produce clean milk along with a thought of increased production per head of animal. In the most of developed countries (International market) somatic cell count is used as an index to measure the quality of milk and its suitability for human consumption by describing the status of mammary gland. So to understand the concept this review is focused on SCC, its relation to milk production, milk composition and sub clinical mastitis


Key words

Somatic cell count, milk quality, milk production, milk composition, clinical mastitis.


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