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International Journal of Cow Science
Year : 2005, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 73) Last page : ( 77)
Print ISSN : 0973-2241.

FMD vaccination status of milch cattle and buffalo in Bareilly (India)

Singh Raja Ram, Chander Mahesh

Division of Extension Education, Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-2431 22, Bareilly (UP) India.


The data were gathered from randomly selected 240 farmers of 12 villages in two blocks and the veterinary officers of state department of animal husbandry posted in Bareilly district, India. Besides, the available records regarding FMD vaccination in particular were also scanned to substantiate the information. Overall, only 25.83% respondents knew the vaccination schedule for FMD. 50% of the respondents in block II and 68.33% in block I were involved in regular vaccination of animals every year. Overall, only 59.17% respondents reported that their animals were vaccinated against FMD every year. According to 59.17% of respondents, buffaloes were the animals covered under FMD vaccination followed by cattle. Whereas, 85% vets reported that they vaccinated buffaloes as prophylaxis followed by cattle (80%). It might be due to more buffaloes in the research area. Only 7.88% of total animals were covered under vaccination. The comparable figures for whole Bareilly district for FMD is 6.85% and for UP, it is 30% for all types of vaccination across all species of animals. 45% doctors reported that they had refrigerator in their hospital to maintain cold chain for FMD vaccine storage. Overall, 49.17% respondents ranked poverty as most important constraints in getting their animals vaccinated. 45% vets reported that illiteracy among farmers was the main constraints and they ranked it as first.


Key words

FMD, vaccination, animals, hospital, illiteracy, vaccination constraints.


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