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Aims and Scope

The Indian Journal Ecology is official publication of Indian Ecological Society being published since 1974 to fulfil the main objective of society. The main theme are

  1. Land and Water Resources: Land resource management and land use planning, water management, management of problematic soils, soil and water conservation, watershed management, water saving technologies, crop diversification, rainfed/dryland farming, weed management, development of integrated farming systems, organic farming, resource conservation technologies, traditional ecological knowledge, people's movements in soil - water - development paradigm, technology transfer and impact.

  2. Crop Environment Interactions: Adaptation to changing climate and resilience enhancement, diversification and mitigation through climate smart agriculture, vegetation-atmosphere exchange ofgreen house gases,sustainability of environmental resources, biodiversity conservation and its rational use, crop environment interaction assessment using advanced technologies, shift in the manifestation of insect pests and diseases, improved weather and climate services, ICT enabled early warning systems.

  3. Integrated Nutrient Management: Soil health and nutrition, crop and efficient nutrient management practices, crop residue management, management of pollutants in soil.

  4. Integrated Pest Management: Protection technologies for horticultural and field crops, ecological basis of insect pest/disease management, impact on ecosystem and environment, pesticide residue, spray technology, insect biodiversity, useful insects, IPM programmes and their impact.

  5. Horticulture Crops: Genetic resource management in fruit and vegetable crops; vegetative propagating techniques; protected cultivation; intensive production technologies for higher productivity in horticultural crops; climate change mitigation; pre & post-harvest handling and value addition; good agricultural practiesin horticultural crops; socio-economic impact of National Horticulture Mission.

  6. Forestry Tree Plantations: Economic, social and ecological valuation, natural resource management,climate change mitigation, biomass energy, tree health and protection, trees outside forests - adoption and management, wood products and composites, eco-tourism, policy, education and training.

  7. Eco-responsive Livestock and Fisheries Production: Integrated crop-livestock husbandry for optimum natural resource utilization, environmentally resilient livestock and fisheries management, water economy of livestock operations, health and production interventions for sustenance of fish production, conservation and management of aquatic resources, aquaculture in degraded lands,aquaculture impact on environment, livestock and fisheries for livelihood generation and socio-economic development

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