S.E.Zs in India -New avataar of globalization an analytical perspective Dr. Seethanaik D. Faculty, Department of Business Administration, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka Online published on 7 June, 2014. Abstract Thirty years ago, 80 Special Economic Zones (S.EZs) in 30 countries generated barely $6 billion in exports and employed about I million people. Today, 3,000 S.EZs operate in 120 countries and account for $600+ billion in exports and 50 million direct jobs, SEZ has lately been a much talked about issue across the nation. This paper tries to examine what are the hopes and fears associated with such huge infrastructure and industry development. An analytical perspective of the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) framework has been conceptualized that weather S.E.Zs is really going to enhance the nation's competitiveness at the global level, through financial aspect, economic connotations, social aspects, legal aspects environmental aspect. Top Keywords Global Level Special Economic Zones, Infrastructure. Top | |
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