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Author Guidelines

International Journal of Oral Health Sciences & Advances is designed to serve dental and medical professionals. It is a platform to publish original research, case reports and review articles relevant to the practice of dentistry and associated sciences and to communicate as a journal for 'postgraduates' and clinical dental/medical professionals.


  • Original research

  • Review

  • Case report

  • Clinical studies


Original Research : 2500 - 3000
Case Reports : 2000 - 2500
Review Article : 2500 - 3000


Font Size Style : 12, Times New Roman
Spacing in between lines : 1.5
Border spacing : 1 inch (all sides)
Page Number : Right hand bottom


  1. Title Page

  2. Abstract

  3. Keywords

  4. Text

  5. Tables

  6. Figure

  7. Figure Legends

  8. Reference


Should be concise and informative. List (i) title; (ii) the initials followed by the last name of each author; (iii) the name of the department (s) and institution (s) to which the work should be attributed; (iv) the name and address of the author to whom proofs, queries and requests for reprints should be sent; and (v) a short running title (not exceeding 5-6 words)


  1. Section - Original Research, Case Report or Review

  2. Title for article

  3. Author's name and designation

  4. Address (institution)

  5. e-mail ID

  6. Phone number

  7. Word count

    1. Abstract

    2. Text

  8. No. of Tables

  9. No. of Pictures

  10. Total Pages


Manuscripts must be typewritten, with wide margin on A-4 size bond paper. Each segment of the manuscript should begin on a new page: title page; abstract; introduction; references; legends; tables.(Similarly soft copy should have separate folder for each).


The second page should carry a abstract of not more than 150 words. It should be written for the readership of both clinicians and basic investigators and should state the hypothesis or central question of the study or investigation, the study subjects or experimental animals, observational and analytical methods, the main findings and a final statement of the principal conclusions. Three to six key words using, where possible terms of medical subjects headings list form Index Medicus.


It should commence on a separate page and should briefly review the current state of knowledge strictly concerning the topic of the paper. It should also make a clear statement on the reasons for undertaking the study being reported and what it aimed to achieve. No mention should be made of the results obtained or conclusions drawn.


The material (patients, experimental animals, etc) used for making observations must be described along with all other relevant information. The methods used in the study should be described, giving sufficient information to permit the work to be repeated. If a generally accepted technique has been used, only a reference to that is enough. If, however, such a technique has been modified by the workers, the manner in which this has been done should be clearly stated. If statistical analysis of the data has been done, the methods used for analysis should be specified.


This section should not include materials suitable for inclusion in “Material and Methods” or “Discussion”. The results should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations. The data presented in the tables or figures should not be repeated in the text. Only important and significant observations should be included.


This should be limited to significance of results obtained and what can and cannot be concluded and why. It should not be a repetition of the findings already given under “Results”. Results should be discussed in the light of others” work in the field. Speculative and purely theoretical discussions to which results presented are not related will not be accepted.


Acknowledge the source (s) of support in the form of grants, equipments, drugs; or all of these; as well as the person (s) who have made substantive contributions to the study. All acknowledgments must be grouped into one page after “Discussion”.



Only relevant, good quality pictures will be accepted Glossary print photographs (usually 10 cm x 8cm) are required in triplicate. All illustrations must be numbered and cited in the text. Legends should be provided for each illustration, listed on a separate page. All lettering must be done professionally.


Each table should be typed double - spaced on a separate sheet. They should have an underlined title followed by a legend, if any. Explanatory matter should be in a footnote and not in the title. The approximate position of each table in the text should be indicated in the margin of the manuscript.


Should be as per Vancouver styled referencing. Should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. References should be typed on a separate page after the text. If an article cited in references is in press, one copy of that article should be included with the submitted manuscript. Unpublished work should not be cited in references, but may be cited fully parenthetically within the text. List all the authors when there are six or less; but when there are seven or more, list the first three, then “et al”. The titles of the journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in INDEX MEDICUS Correctness of the reference list is the entire responsibility of the author(s).

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