Incident command management system (Icms-fire and rescue fire fighting vehicle Kumar Subhash* Ex. General Manager (Fire Service & Training), AAI, Govt of India *Email id: skgmfire@yahoo.com
Online published on 16 July, 2021. Abstract This section will define Incident Command Management System (ICMS). The section will provide you with a brief and its evolution into an effective system for emergency management. This section will also introduce the ICMS organization and describe each ICMS function and its responsibilities during an incident. ICMS is the model tool for command, control, and coordination of a response and provides a means to coordinate the efforts of individual agencies as they work toward the common goal of stabilizing the incident and protecting life, property, and the environment. ICMS uses principles that have been proven to improve efficiency and effectiveness in a business setting and applies the principles to emergency response. Top Keywords ICMS- Incident Command Management System, ARFF- Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting, CFT- Aiorport Crash Fire Tender, FT-Fire Tender. Top | |
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