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International Journal Of Resilience In Fire Safety & Disasters
Year : 2021, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 22) Last page : ( 25)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : XXXX-XXXX.

Catastrophic failure of ammonia transport container- A bleve and the toxic effects

Chakrabarty U.K.*

Industrial Safety Expert and Acclaimed Trainer, Surat, Gujarat, India

*Email id: ukchakri@yahoo.com

Online published on 16 July, 2021.


It is common knowledge that a BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion) is often associated with a flammable substance causing fireball, pressure waves and missile effects on the surroundings. However, there are BLEVEs reported involving non-flammable substances also, e.g. Ammonia, causing similar effects as happened in case of flammable liquefied gases except a fireball scenario. Overpressure effects include fatality, damage to the property and missile effects due to the fragmentation of the storage container. In addition, toxic effects of the substance can pose serious risk of fatalities and/or irreversible and reversible consequences to the exposed population. As such, the paper analyzed the consequences of a BLEVE of Ammonia road transport container of different capacities, both from the viewpoint of explosion and toxic effects on the population along the transport corridor. Also, impact zone analysis is done to account for the population at risk based on different toxic concentration endpoints. Use of GIS maps to depict the ‘Impact Zones’ is done for the purpose of community awareness and effective evacuation planning during any such transport emergency.



BLEVE, Impact zone, Pressure wave, Toxic endpoints.


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