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International Journal of Technology
Year : 2015, Volume : 5, Issue : 1
First page : ( 50) Last page : ( 56)
Print ISSN : 2231-3907. Online ISSN : 2231-3915.

Health Monitoring System

Kumbhalwar Snehal Dilip1,,*, Badole Tejashri Udaybhan1,,**, Mendhe Priyanka Rajesh1,,***, Prof. Gadhave Shankar2,,****

1Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagpur Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India

2Dept. of Information Technology, Nagpur Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India

*Corresponding Author Email: skumbhalwar1992@gmail.com

** tejashribadole@gmail.com

*** Priyankamd12@gmail.com

**** shankar_gadhave@yahoo.com

Online published on 30 October, 2015.


In a hospital health care monitoring system it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient's physiological parameters. For example a pregnant woman parameters such as respiratory sensor & heart rate of the woman and heart rate and movements of fetal to control their health status. This paper presents a monitoring system that has the capability to monitor physiological parameters from several patient bodies. In the proposed system, a coordinator node has attached on patient body to collect all the signals from the wireless sensors and sends them to the base station. The attached sensors on patient's body form a wireless body sensor network (WBSN) and they are able to sense the heart rate, temperature and respiratory level so on. This system can detect the abnormal conditions, issue a burglar alarm and send a SMS to the physician. The main advantage of this system in comparison to previous systems is to reduce the energy consumption to prolong the network lifetime, speed up and extend the communication coverage to increase the freedom for enhance patient quality of life. We have developed this system in multi-patient architecture for hospital healthcare and compared it with the other existing networks based on multi-hop relay node in terms of coverage, energy consumption, network reliability and speed.



Patient, Hospital healthcare, Wireless body sensor network, Energy consumption, coordinator node, GSM.


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