Management of Electrocution in a Langur (Semnopithecus entellus) Kashyap Deepak Kumar, M.V.Sc. Scholar, Tiwari S.K., Professor and Head, Giri D.K., M.V.Sc. Scholar Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Anjora, Durg-491001 (Chattisgarh) Online published on 24 January, 2012. Abstract The paper reports an emergency case management of electrocution in a langur through medicinal treatment. The case was diagnosed based on history of injuries on frontal, orbital and abdominal regions and clinical signs. Management included fluid therapy along with antibiotics, analgesics and daily dressing. The animal recovered uneventfully after 7 days of treatment. It was concluded that electrocution following accidental injury can be successfully managed by emergency treatment provided the case is reported early. Top Keywords Accident, electrocution, emergency, langur. Top | |
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