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Year 2021, Volume-22, Issue-1 (January-June)
Print ISSN: 0972-1738
Online ISSN: 2249-8796

Table of Contents


Silent heroes of veterinary profession
Dr. Nitin Bhatia

Field veterinarians - The back bone of our profession
Dr. Umesh Chandra Sharma


Diagnostic infrastructure and support can strengthen animal healthcare and boost farmers economics - An experience and insight
Dayaram Suryawanshi, Sonali Shete, Rutuja Shelke and Pavan Pawar


Incidence of bovine gastrointestinal disorders
Shilpa Ranaut and Nishant Ranaut

Surgical management of oesophageal obstruction due to onion in a cow
Vikas Satpute, M. Kamble and Mahesh Lakde

Application of foley’s catheter in thoracic and abdominal surgeries in ruminants - An insight
S.P. Manjunath

My experiences on diaphramatic hernia - Its diagnosis and surgical management
Vijay Dhoke

Surgical management of reticulo-diaphragmatic hernia in buffaloes
P.S. Chaudhary and D.N. Suthar

Surgical management of reticular abscess in a buffalo under field condition
Madan Pal, Birender Singh Laura and Kashi Ram

Surgical management of omphalocele in a neonatal buffalo calf
R.M. Puri and B.N. Telange

Surgical management of intestinal obstruction - A clinical study in three pregnant cows
Bhuvnesh Thakur and Susheel Kumar

Surgical management of intestinal intussusception in a bull
Raj Kumar

Surgical management of ileocecocolic intussusception in a cow
Malik Abu Rafee, Ajaz Ahmad Wani and Shafqat Ahmad Sheikh

Surgical management of perineal hernia in a buffalo
Madan Pal, Kashi Ram and Chander Pal Garhwal

Surgical management of congenital flexor tendon deformity in punganur calves
J. Ravikanth, R. Bala Mounika and S.V. Prudhvi Reddy

Surgical amputation of forelimb in a heifer
A.K. Bassan and R.K. Sangral

Surgical management of knuckling in a calf
Mohsin S. Vahora

Surgical management of infected carpal hygroma in a buffalo
A.K. Bassan

Surgical management of bovine tendon injuries and their immobilization using modified thomas splints
Chaitrali A. Avhad, Vilas D. Aher, Ratnakar V. Raulkar and Swapnil A. Jadhav

Comparative evaluation of antibiotics for mastitis management in buffaloes
K.P. Singh, R.V. Singh, Praneeta Singh, Nidhi Arora and S.K. Singh

Diagnosis and management of ulcerative thelitis in a graded murrah
K.L. Dahiya

Comparative efficacy of pre and post artificial insemination treatment on conception rate in cows
K.P. Singh, R.V. Singh, Praneeta Singh, R.A. Siddique and S.K. Singh

Surgical management of cervico-vaginal prolapse - A clinical study of fifteen cows
Bhagirath Soni and Rajendra Singh

Traditional medicine for cervico-vaginal prolapse management in a buffalo
K.L. Dahiya, Pradeep Kumar and Jasvir Singh Panwar

Surgical management of foetal hydrocephalus in a ongole cow
L. Phani Kumar and B. Chandra Prasad

Surgical management of urolithiasis in male buffalo calves
Tejinder Singh, Rajnarayan and Vivek Arora

Cystorrhaphy and tube cystostomy for management of obstructive urolithiasis in a calf
Mohsin S. Vahora

Surgical removal of foreign body from bullock’s eye
Mahesh Lakde, M.V. Kamble and V. Satpute

Diagnosis and management of snake bite in a buffalo
Tejinder Singh

Therapeutic management of trypanosomosis in a holstein friesian cow
Amit Kumar, Bhupendra Kaswan and Kishor Kumar

Clinical management of acute lumpy skin disease in cattle with glycerol mono laurate coated nano zinc oxide
Bala Krishna Rao Dabbir, Siva Reddy Santimella, Rajasekhar Konapuram and Sreenivasa Reddy Rajavolu

Clinical management of pseudo cowpox like lesions in cows
K.L. Dahiya and Jasvir Singh Panwar

Diagnosis and management of cutaneous bovine papillomatosis
Amal Banerjee and C.K. Ghosh

Clinical management of horn cancer in a bull
Vikas Satpute, Mahesh Lakde and M. Kamble

Surgical management of squamous cell carcinoma in a crossbred cattle
S.M. Mansuri, C.P. Nikam and H.M. Patel

Mandibulectomy for management of bovine fibro-odontoma
P.S. Chaudhary and D.N. Suthar

Ligation technique for management of colorectal tumor in a buffalo
Tejinder Singh and Vivek Arora


Therapeutic management of post-parturient udder edema in goats
K.P. Singh, R.V. Singh and Praneeta Singh

Management of hydrocephalus in a newborn kid
Suresh F. Nipane, R.I. Hatzade and D.P. Madikuntawar


Management of epilepsy in a beagle dog
Suranjan Sarkar and Piyush Dubey

Diagnosis and management of diabetic ketoacidosis in a pug
J.P. Varshney

Anesthetic and surgical tumor removal in a congestive heart failure dog
Amit Kumar, Sapna Bisht and Amit Kumar Verma

Enterotomy for management of intestinal obstruction in a dog
R. Arya and Deepu Philip Mathew

Surgical management of prolapsed intussusceptum in pups
M.O. Kalim, S.K. Tiwari, Safdar Khan, Manisha Jaiswal and Deepak Kashyap

Scrotal urethrostomy for management of urolithiasis - A report of two male dogs
Rakesh Adepu, Ramesh Nanaboina and Srikanth Kandula

Chemo-therapeutic management of canine demodicosis
Joyjit Mitra, P.K. Santra and M. Mandal

Diagnosis and management of bloody diarrhoea in a dog due to Toxascaris leonina
P. Preena, Sherin B. Sarangom and Seeja Sundaran

Bilateral rostral mandibulectomy for management of acanthomatous ameloblastoma in a dog
M. Sumanth Bedre, A. Anandraj and V. Arun


Surgical management of recurrent rectal prolapse in queen cat
Ingale Supriya, Pendharkar Gandhar, Hatekar Milind and Umale Nikhil


Therapeutic management of impactive colic with flunixin meglumine and co-therapies - A clinical study of 13 equines
K.P. Singh, R.V. Singh, Saurabh Singh, Praneeta Singh and S.K. Singh

A clinico-pathological investigation and surgical management of cutaneous sarcoid in a mule
Amit Mahajan, Sidhartha Deshmukh and Harmanjit Singh Banga


Orchidectomy in a buck rabbit
Tejinder Singh and Vivek Arora

Wild Animals

Diagnosis and management of idiopathic epistaxis in captive sloth bear
S. Illayaraja, Shivani Singh and Pooja Acharya

Medical management of intestinal impaction in a geriatric asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Sarat Kumar Sahu, Santosh Kumar Gupta and Debabrat Mohapatra

Comparative impact of chicken and beef feeding on gastro-intestinal parasites in captive Indian leopards (Panthera pardus fusca)
Nikhil S. Bangar and A. Sha Arun

Clinical management of dystocia and fetal unilateral hip flexion in a langur
L. Phani Kumar and B. Chandra Prasad


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