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Year : 2021, Volume : 22, Issue : 2
First page : ( 192) Last page : ( 193)
Print ISSN : 0972-1738. Online ISSN : 2249-8796.

Surgical Excision of Lipoblastoma in a Rabbit

Mahesh V.1, Radha M.S.2,*, Nagaraja B.N.3

1Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University (KVAFSU), Hebbal, Bengaluru - 560024 (Karnataka)

2Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University (KVAFSU), Hebbal, Bengaluru - 560024 (Karnataka)

3Professor and Head, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University (KVAFSU), Hebbal, Bengaluru - 560024 (Karnataka)

*Corresponding author, E-mail: radhamsdvg@gmail.com

Online Published on 16 September, 2024.


A rabbit was presented with presence of mass on the abdomen region since last five months. On examination, the mass was soft, circular, sessile and found to be attached on the left ventral aspect of abdomen. Hence, surgical excision was decided to perform. Hematological parameters were pre-surgically evaluated. Xylazine and Ketamine combination was used through intramuscular route for induction of anesthesia. En-block resection of the growth was performed and the tumor sample was sent for histopathology which revealed benign lipoblastoma. Animal was back to regular activity without any complications.



Benign, Lipoblastoma, Rabbit.


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