Comparative Evaluation of Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Male and Female Wistar rats Singh Amita1,* 1Veterinary Officer/In-charge, Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah - 206130 (Uttar Pradesh) *Corresponding author, E-mail:
Online Published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract In present study, several hematological and biochemical parameters are analyzed to see their significant difference between male and female Wistar rats. A total of 30 adult Albino wistar rats were selected randomly for determination of their hematological and biochemical profile. Rats were housed under normal conditions and received standard food and water ad libitum. An hour before experimentation, animals were brought and kept in the experimental room. The rats were weighed, marked and divided into two groups viz. Group A and Group B each consisted of 15 male and 15 female Wistar rats respectively. All blood samples were collected from jugular veins using 30 gauze needle, in EDTA (Ethylenediamin etetraacetic acid) vials and plain vials, for hematological and biochemical investigations respectively. It was seen that WBCs, Monocytes and ALP values were higher in male rats as compared to female rats and this difference was statistically significant. The values of RBC, HGB, Creatinine and Triglycerides were higher in female rats as compared to male rats and this difference was statistically significant. Therefore, it concludes that it is necessary to partition the reference intervals. Top Keywords Biochemical, Hematological, Profile, Reference values, Wistar rat. Top |