External Skeletal Fixation for Surgical Repair of Femur Fracture in Lady Amherst’s Pheasant Chaudhari N.S.1,*, Kamaliya R.2, Nala R.R.3, Patel R.K.4 1Veterinary Officer, Sardar Patel Zoological Park, Kevadiya - 393151 (Gujarat) 2Consultant Veterinary Surgeon, Sardar Patel Zoological Park, Kevadiya - 393151 (Gujarat) 3Director, Sardar Patel Zoological Park, Kevadiya - 393151 (Gujarat) 4Biologist, Sardar Patel Zoological Park, Kevadiya - 393151 (Gujarat) *Corresponding author, E-mail: niteshchaudhari95@gmail.com
Online Published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract A Lady Amherst’s Pheasant was presented with history of entrapment of the right pelvic limb in a cage during movement. During observation, we saw a sign of non-weight bearing lameness on the right pelvic limb. Physical examination revealed hematoma and painful swelling with crepitus present on the right stifle region. The radiographic examination showed an oblique diaphyseal fracture of the right femur with mild soft tissue swelling. The external skeletal fixation (ESF, tie-in configuration) technique was performed for stabilization of fracture fragments under general anesthesia. Post-operative antibiotic and analgesic were given. The bird was recovered uneventfully with proper weight-bearing on affected limb. Top Keywords Femur, Fracture, Lady amherst’s pheasant. Top |