Plastronotomy for Management of Egg Bound Condition in a Red Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) Ushma P.1,*, Patond C.V., Ketki K. Vet Beyond Basics, New Katol Naka, Nagpur - 440013 (Maharashtra) 1Veterinary Consultant, Vet Beyond Basics, New Katol Naka, Nagpur - 440013 (Maharashtra) *Corresponding author, E-mail:
Online Published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract A female Red-eared slider was presented with lethargy, appetite loss for 1.5 months and gradual weight loss from 1.670 kg to 1.340 kg. Anamnesis, symptoms, clinical examination, serum analysis and radiography lead to diagnosis of egg retention. Plastronotomy was performed to enter the coelomic cavity under general anesthesia. Six well-formed eggs and other follicles were removed with oophorectomy and plastronotomy gap was closed. Esophageal feeding tube was placed for feeding critical care formula to overcome anorexia and routine post-operative care. The plastron was sealed on fifth day and animal recovered uneventfully. Top Keywords Egg retention, Dystocia, Plastronotomy, Red-eared slider. Top |