Surgical Management of Oral and Esophageal Foreign Bodies in Indian Flapshell Turtles (Lissemys punctata) Patil A.S.1,*, Darur Kiran2, Javoor Akash2, Pattar Jayashree3, Pugashetti B.4 1Associate Professor and Head, Veterinary Hospital, University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad - 580005 (Karnataka) 2Veterinarians, Veterinary Hospital, University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad - 580005 (Karnataka) 3Assistant Professor, Veterinary Hospital, University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad - 580005 (Karnataka) 4Professor and Head, Animal Science Division, Veterinary Hospital, University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad - 580005 (Karnataka) *Corresponding author, E-mail:
Online Published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract The study documents successful surgical retrieval of an oral and an esophageal foreign body (fish hook) in two Indian flapshell turtles (Lissemys punctata). Two rescued adult-sized flapshell turtles were presented for examination as a fish hook connected fishing line nylon was seen protruding from their oral cavity. To determine the position of these foreign bodies, ventro-dorsal view radiographs were taken which revealed the fish hook lodged in the turtle’s oral cavity in one and in another turtle it was in the esophagus. Surgical removal of fish hooks was carried out under Xylazine and Ketamine anesthetics. The fish hook lodged in oral cavity was retrieved from oral cavity by de-hooking and the one lodged in the esophagus was removed through esophagotomy by ventral approach. Both turtles recovered in few days without any complications. Top Keywords De-hooking, Esophagotomy, Fish hook, Indian flapshell turtle, Radiography. Top |