Surgical Management of Phallus Prolapse in Indian Pond Turtle Choudhury Ashutosh1, Thorat M.G.2,*, Raulkar R.V.3 1Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Surgery and Radiology, Post Graduate Institute Of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Maharashtra Animal and Fisheries Science University (MAFSU), Akola - 444104 (Maharashtra) 2Professor and Head, Department of Surgery and Radiology, Post Graduate Institute Of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Maharashtra Animal and Fisheries Science University (MAFSU), Akola - 444104 (Maharashtra) 3Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery and Radiology, Post Graduate Institute Of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Maharashtra Animal and Fisheries Science University (MAFSU), Akola - 444104 (Maharashtra) *Corresponding author, E-mail:
Online Published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract A male turtle was presented with history of extensive necrotic black and dark purple colored prolapsed mass located at cloacal region with cessation of feeding since last two days. On clinical examination, the prolapsed mass was identified as phallus. Surgical excision of the prolapsed mass under dissociative anesthesia was undertaken. Complete necrotic part of phallus was excised by placing double ligation sutures at base of the phallus by maintaining the patency of cloacal opening to pass out excretory material. Uneventfully feeding was resumed in turtle on second day. Top Keywords Indian pond turtle, Phallus, Prolapse. Top |