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Year : 2022, Volume : 23, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 9)
Print ISSN : 0972-1738. Online ISSN : 2249-8796.

Local anesthetics in veterinary practice -A review

Gayas Mohmmad Abrar1,*, Fazili Mujeeb ur Rehman2, Handoo Nida3, Aijaz Raja4, Athar Hakim5

1Post Graduate Scholar Animal Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department, Sumbal Sonawari-193501 (Jammu and Kashmir)

2Professor and Head, Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, F.V.Sc. & A.H., SKUAST, Jammu and Kashmir

3Doctorate Scholar, Division of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, F.V.Sc. & A.H., SKUAST, Jammu and Kashmir

4Assistant Professor, Division of Veterinary Clinical Complex, F.V.Sc. & A.H., SKUAST, Jammu and Kashmir

5Assistant Professor, Division of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, F.V.Sc. & A.H., SKUAST, Jammu and Kashmir

*Corresponding author. E-mail: abrargayas@gmail.com

Online published on 16 September, 2024.


In Veterinary practice, local anesthetics are of paramount importance in farm animals wherein different surgical procedures are routinely performed under local or regional anesthesia. Major risks like regurgitation and aspiration of gastro-intestinal contents associated with general anesthesia make these animals unfavourable subjects for general anaesthesia. Local anesthetics help to desensitize a specific area of body and allow surgical procedures to be performed in standing conscious animals. In small animals, local anesthetic techniques provide effective pre-emptive, multimodal analgesia, decrease the amount of general anesthetics and thus promote greater cardiorespiratory stability. Since the advent of using cocaine, newer agents with better pharmacological profiles and lesser odds to produce toxicity have been developed over time. The objective of the review is to analyse and summarize recent studies and their results pertaining to use of local anesthetics and their combinations in Veterinary practice with special reference to farm animals.



Anesthesia, Farm animal, Veterinary.


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