Management of post-partum uterine prolapse in a buffalo Singh K.P.1,*, Singh R.V.2, Singh Praneeta3 1Veterinary Officer, Government Veterinary Hospital, Department of Animal Husbandry, Deoranian, Bareilly-243203 (Uttar Pradesh) 2Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, Bhavdiya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Ayodhya 3Assistant Professor, Department of Livestock Product Technology, C.V.A.Sc., GBPUAT, Pantnagar, U.S. Nagar, Uttrakhand *Corresponding author. E-mail:
Online published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract A buffalo in her second parity was brought with history of uterine prolapse following normal delivery of a female calf twelve hours earlier and expulsion of fetal membrane two hours earlier. The prolapsed uterus was injured, swollen, edematous and contaminated with dung and wheat straw. The prolapsed mass had exposed cotyledons, numerous bleeding points and had laceration. The vaginal wall was tense, edematous, swollen, thicker and bluish pink in appearance. The epidural anesthesia was achieved by infiltration 2 percent Xylocaine into sacro-coccygeal space. The prolapsed mass was lubricated with Xylocaine gel and replaced into normal position by gentle pressure. The body was first pushed followed by horns. To prevent the reoccurrence of prolapse a rope truss was applied around the vulvar lips. The animal was treated with injection Calcium magnesium borogluconate, 5 percent Dextrose normal saline (DNS) and Oxytocin. Ceftiofur sodium plus Tazobactam, Meloxicam, Chlorpheniramine maleate and vitamin B6, Band B12. The rope truss was removed after third day of therapy. The animal showed complete recovery after five days of therapy and no reoccurrence of prolapse was reported by owners. Top Keywords Buffalo, Post-partum, Uterine prolapse. Top |