Diagnosis and management of vaginal angiofibroma in a pregnant murrah buffalo Hadimani M.R.1,*, Suryawanshi R.V.2, Mali A.B.2 1Post Graduate Scholar, Veterinary Clinical Complex KNP College of Veterinary and Animals Science, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU). Shirwal Dist. Satara-412801 (Maharashtra) 2Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Complex KNP College of Veterinary and Animals Science, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU), Shirwal Dist. Satara-412801 (Maharashtra) *Corresponding author. E-mail: manjularh90@gmail.com
Online published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract A pregnant buffalo was presented with history of continuous straining, cervico vaginal prolapse four days before, blood tinged vaginal discharge, inappetence, uneasiness and partial protrusion of vaginal growth through vulval passage during straining. On clinical examination all physiological parameters were normal. Per-vaginal examination revealed presence of cauliflower like growth at vaginal floor with a pedunculated stalk. The growth was excised surgically under epidural and local infiltration anesthesia. Post-operatively, animal was treated with hemostatic, broad spectrum antibiotic and antiinflammatory drugs. Based on gross examination and histopathology findings, the growth was diagnosed as angiofibroma. Top Keywords Angiofibroma, Buffalo, Pregnancy, Vagina. Top |