Surgical management of third degree perineal laceration in a mare Padaliya N.R.*, Bhatt R.H., Vadaliya J.V. Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University (KU), Junagadh-362001 (Gujarat) *Corresponding author. E-mail: drnrpadaliya@yahoo.in
Online published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract A Marwari mare was presented with third-degree perineal laceration and surgically corrected by single stage spiral suture technique. Before surgery, intra-uterine lavage was performed using sterile normal saline containing Povidone iodine solution to control uterine infections. Surgical repair of third degree rectovestibular laceration was undertaken by single stage spiral suture technique, with lateral dissection continued extensively until the two flaps were created and brought to the midline without any tension. Suturing was carried out from inside to outside in spiral fashion and vulvar skin was approximated by horizontal mattress. The obtained results indicate that mares with third degree perineal laceration (rectovestibular lacerations) could be managed by single stage spiral suture technique without any complication with preoperative intra-uterine lavage. Top Keywords Mare, Perineal laceration, Suture technique. Top | |
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