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Guidelines for Preparation of Manuscripts


The official language of the Journal is English.

Preparation of the text

  1. The manuscript should be neatly prepared (manual/wordprocessor) and typed/printed with double spacing and wide margins (1.5"/4cm) all round.

  2. The abstract should be typed/printed on a separate sheet and should normally be less than 500 words. The abstract should be followed by Keywords.

  3. The Authors should make efforts to use IUGS terminology and S.I. units in the text.

  4. The title page should include the name(s) of the author(s), their affiliations, addresses, fax and e-mail numbers. In case of multiple Authors please indicate to whom the correspondence should be addressed.


  1. References in the text should consist either of the surnames of the Author(s) followed by the year of publication in parenthesis when in normal text or by the name(s) of the Author(s) followed by the year separated by a comma when the reference is in parenthesis. E.g. Turner (1978) or (Turner, 1978).

  2. If there are more than two authors, it should be referred using the pluralism "et al." E.g. Turner et al. (1978) or (Turner et al., 1978).

  3. Multiple references should be separated by a semi-colon. E.g. (Turner, 1978; Rao, 1988).

  4. All references cited in the text should be given in the references list and vice-versa.

  5. The References list should be typed/printed in alphabetical order on separate sheet(s).
    E.g. 1. Handa, B.K., (1986). Pollution of natural waters in Uttar Pradesh. Bhu-Jal News, v.2, pp. 1-11.
    2. Hatcher, R.D. Jr., (1995). Structural Geology : Principles, Concepts and Problems (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall, New Jersey, pp. 198.


  1. Tables should be compiled on separate sheets and should be numbered according to their sequences in the text.

  2. Arabic numerals should be used as table numbers (e.g. Table 1), lowercase alphabet should be used to subdivide tables (e.g. Table 1a).

  3. Tables may be sent as computer files or glossy prints to avoid type setting errors.


  1. All illustrations should be numbered consecutively and referred in the text.

  2. Arabic numerals should be used as figure numbers (e.g. Fig. 1), lowercase alphabet should be used to subdivide figures (e.g. Fig. 1a).

  3. Drawings should be neatly prepared in Indian ink, the size of the lettering being appropriate to the size of the drawing, but taking into account the possible need for reduction in size. The print area of the journal (9" X 7") should be considered in designing the drawings.

  4. Photographs must be of good quality, printed on glossy paper.

  5. Figure captions should be supplied on a separate sheet.

  6. Colour figures/photographs will be accepted provided that the reproduction costs are met by the Author(s).

  7. Copies of the original illustrations may be submitted at the time of review. However the original illustrations should be provided as soon as the paper is accepted for publication.

Page proofs

One set of page proofs will be provided to the corresponding author, to be checked for typesetting/editing. The author is not expected to make any changes or additions, which result in departures from the article in accepted form.

Proofs should be returned within a week of receipt.


Reprints can be ordered on the reprint order form, which will be sent to the corresponding author along with page proof at a nominal cost. The rate will be printed in the reprinted order form.

Submission of manuscripts

Three copies of the complete manuscript including tables and illustrations should be submitted and also in a Soft Copy (preferably CD) in MS-Word version. The manuscripts should be mailed in a cover superscribed "MANUSCRIPT FOR PUBLICATION" to Prof. K. Surya Prakash Rao, Editor/Secretary, ISAG, Flat No. 102, "Surya Chandra Castle", Raghavendra Nagar, Near Shanti Gardens, Nacharam, Hyderabad - 500 076, India, P.B.No.706, Osmania University.

Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

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