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Year : 2022, Volume : 10, Issue : 15
First page : ( 46) Last page : ( 53)
Print ISSN : 2349-9885. Online ISSN : 2582-5089. Published online : 2022  16.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2582-5089.2022.00006.8

Association studies for yield, genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)

Kumar Vijay1,*, Kumar Harish1, Kaur Rajvir2, Kaur Amarjeet2, Singh S.K.3

1School of Agricultural SciencesIIMT University, Meerut-250001, Uttar Pradesh, India

2Department of Agriculture, Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib-140407, Punjab, India

3Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding (Ag. Botany), C.C.R. (PG) College, Muzaffarnagar-251001, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Email: vijayram9092@gmail.com

Online Published on 16 September, 2023.


The study revealed highly significant differences for all the thirteen characters studied, the analysis of variance worked out for seed yield and its components in Indian mustard indicated that the mean sum of squares due to genotypes were highly significant for all the characters. Results of phenotypic correlation coefficient revealed that the seed yield/plant (g) had significant positive correlation with biological yield/plant followed by traits test weight (g), number of secondary branches/ plant and harvest index. Path coefficient analysis of different characters contributing towards seed yield/plant revealed that days to maturity, test weight, number of primary branches/plant, siliqua length, plant height biological yield/plant and number of siliqua/plant harvest index had the highest positive direct effect relationship with seed yield/plant followed by days to 50% flowering, number of secondary branches/plant, days to first flowering, number of siliquae/plant and harvest index had genotypic negative direct effect on seed yield/plant. In present investigation the high heritability was recorded for the characters seed yield/plant (77.9%), harvest index and biological yield. Genetic advance as percentage of mean was observed high for the characters number of siliqua/plant (47.638) followed by harvest index, biological yield and test weight. High heritability estimates in broad sense along with high genetic advance as percent of mean was observed for seed yield/plant, harvest index, biological yield. The high PCV and GCV were observed for number of siliqua/plant whereas, moderate PCV and GCV was recorded seed yield/plant, harvest index, biological yield and days to first flowering.



Brassica juncea, Genetic variability, Correlation, Path coefficient and heritability.


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