Identification of resistant maize varieties to save losses in storage due to Sitophilus oryzae Linn. De Debjani, Sarup Prakash, Head Division of Entomology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012 (India). Abstract Among the twenty-four maize varieties, EBR composite was identified as the most promising variety relatively resistant to Sitophilus oryzae Linn. during 60 days of storage period. On the other hand, varieties Pusa Arun and A-82 were highly susceptible to S. oryzae in respect of parameters used for measuring resistance. The avoidable losses on the basis of weight (18.97–63.05%) and number of damaged gains (0.00–40.40%) with reference to least damaged maize variety EBR composite necessitated to replace Pusa Arun and EC 8534 in storage. EBR composite categorized as resistant to S. oryzae in storage was initially developed for resistance to the maize stalk borer, Chilo pertellus (Swinhoe) in the field. This highlights the utiiity of this variety as a potential source of multiple pest resistance both in the field and storage. The relationship between weight loss and the other parameters for measurement of resistance, viz., total progeny count, percentage damaged kernels and percentage viability ofgrains as expressed by the correlation coefficients among the different maize varieties indicate that it would be desirable to consider all these criteria together rather than one single character in isolation while identifying resistant varieties. Top | |
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